
by train & other public transport

You can travel by train to Bodø from Oslo via Trondheim ( From Bodø you can then take one of the coastal route ships to Svolvær, either Hurtigruten of Havila, or a local express ferry.

You can also travel by train to Narvik via Stockholm (https:/// Stockholm is serviced by international rail travel so you can book via your national rail service in most of Europe. If travelling via Germany, Deutsche Bahn ( offers an excellent service. From Narvik there is a bus, no. 300, twice a day to Kabelvåg:

by air

The best options connecting from international flights to Norway is to fly either to Bodø (BOO) or Evenes (EVE), neither of which has interntional connections, and then continuing as described above for Bodø and for Evenes using the same bus as the one coming from Narvik, which stops at the airport.

If you for any reason plan to visit Tromsø (TOS) before or after the event, it may be better to book your flight(s) to/from there and use regional/local transport or the coastal ship routes, see above. There are also regular flights from Tromsø to Bodø.


Unless you arrive in Kabelvåg by the bus coming from Narvik you will most likely arrive in Svolvær by ferry or at the airport. The distance from Svolvær to Kabelvåg, the location of the event, is only 6km. You can take the bus line 18-743 ( or, if travelling together with others, consider sharing a taxi (call +47 40108444). If not, and travelling light, it is an approx 80-minute walk.


It is possible to rent a car from one of the many car rental companies at one of the airports. If you decide to do that, please do let us know, so that we could kindly ask you to maybe pick up somebody else attending. For the more adventurous, there is a bike.

If you have any problems finding travel options, please do contact us – bearing in mind, however, that we are not travel agents!